
Dec 30, 2006 18:43

First: Stolen from caerfree:

In the year 2007 I resolve to:
Frag more n00bs.

Get your resolution here.

Then... Yesterday was a bad day. D: Just lots of little stuff in the beginning, and then later my boss pissed off at me because I didn't fill out my milage sheet correctly. I cried. It sucked. She still paid me (thank GOD, I woulda been out like $150). But she was like cussin at me and stuff. I cried partly because of the yellings. I knew she was right and that it was my own damn fault that I wasn't gonna get paid. (That's what she threatened in the beginning, only to pay me for the miles I did correctly).

The other part was just that I wouldn't have Kara to come home to. To be like "wah [this happened] do something with me/makes me feel better!" I realize that while it shouldn't be much different from when I just don't catch her for a few days, it is. Because I know that even though I call or leave her an offline, or whatever else... she's not gonna get it til she gets back. Its ghey, I know... that's why this cut is here. ~__~ I miss her already.

So then I went to hang out at Alicia's with Matt, Tommy, Chris and Verna (who's awesome). To drink. And I drank... too much. D: Didn't think I was drunk cuz my speech wasn't slurring and I could still walk straight, so I thought I was just buzzed... But maybe not, cuz then I totally puked. It was gross. Tommy says it's because we did shots of different alcohol. I don't really know much about drinking, so I just went along with whatever. ^_^; They rock though, because they took care of me. I threw up again after having some OJ though. e.e; After that I just didnt have anything. It was like waaaah noooo~ But I kept everything down today! WHOO! It was my first time really drinking, anyway.

I need more/new, possibly non-anime icons.

Almost New Years, hmm? Here's to hoping this year is better than last.

sicks, rant, party, meme, life, new years, work, friends

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