A mild success!

Jul 31, 2006 12:48

XD As Matt put it. Not as many people came as I would've liked, but it was still fun. At least I thought so, haha. Its funny because when I think about it, the people that really wanted to come live out of town. ^_^; Oh well. It was Matt, Tommy, Vanessa, Jeanette, Crissy and myself. Haha, poor nette-chan was there the whole time. ^__^; Don't worry~ You won't have to watch anymore until the second season DVDs come out! 8O Then I'm gonna steal you and watch another 9 hours of it.

Haha, there were a couple I wanted to skip through, and a few I actually did. My fav are really just the ones with the warners. There are a couple good goodfeathers, pinky and the brain, etc. But they're what I watch A! for. I could totally just watch it all over again. XD Later when I thought about it, I was really surpirsed that "Potty Emergency" wasn't in the first season!! GARH! And I have to wait for 2nd(?) season for it to come out? ;__; I cry.

... I don't have much time to rant about the DVDs, but I want to let you know before I go any further, A! was one of my very first absolute obsessions. I know more than should ever be allowed to be known about that show. XD If you sat with me during the watching you'd notice. >_>; Yes, I DO know every song, and even every little in-song even if they only last like 5 seconds.

As for the special features. They rock!! OMG... rob, tress, and jess are still my idols. And omg, Jess is a crazy lookin 80's rock star. Tress is SO CUTE, and Rob... well Rob is just teh awesome. And Maurice, gotta give props to him. They intervied Sherri Stoner as well as Andrea Romano (*__*), and the composers as well... ^___^;; totally can't remember their names right now. But now that they've done that I have to wonder what they're going to do for the other seasons! I really wish they would talk about the actual episodes. Maybe give us some blooper reels? 8D Jess did say they did alot of takes that they wouldn't allow on cartoons. XD And I would die for some commentary. nnf... animaniacs. @_@

I even started to work on anime versions of them... SRIGHT I DID. I dont' care if you're opposed, shut your face. Its awesome. XD I was talking with Paul about it, and he was all interested and wanted to do something similar himself, so I told him to do Tiny Toons. He drew Babs, then I told him to do Fifi. And then when he saw my pic of Dot he was like >O LOLI! ... so I drew him Dot!loli to trade for the Fifi pic. XD I almost thought I dreamed all of that for some reason. But I'm sure if I look in my sketchbook for it, oh, it'll be in there.

OMG I don't wanna go to work. I wanna stay home and draw more, and possibly get all those freakin clothes off of my floor! >O

A! FOREVER WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!... *crazed* ... GAR. I need an a! icon.

fandom, party

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