Jun 02, 2006 10:34

... man, I did a voice post last night, and it hung up right when I was about to post it, so now it went private and blahblahblah... its dumb, in other words.

Today's my last full day here!! DAH! It went by so fast when I think about it... and then it feels like I've been here forever. Still mixed feelings about everything. ^_^ Wanna go home, but I don't...and things like that.

And if you've forgottennnn~ Today is mah birfday!! dowah~! 20 years old, oh my. My shoulders hurt like I dunno what x__x; I plan to see my family and pack and all that. Whoo boy, it'll be a busy day for sure. GAH!! I feel so bad that I waited til TODAY to see my family ~___~ I really miss them, and I don't want to make them feel less important. *SIGH* e.e; Not much I can do about that now however.

... doesn't feel like my birthday. Maybe just because I'm not home. I'm usually all excited, but maybe just everything else swimming in my head is messing things up. @.@

Anyway! Love you all~ Hope to see some of you again soon... and then begins the painstaking adventure to catch up on LJ stuff I missed... FUN. e.e;

Ja for now! 8D and I acknowledge its my birthday and I'm happy for me... OH HO HO HO~

OH YEAH! MONTH REPORT FOR MAY!: ... May's... been... O_o pretty good? I don't think there was anything for me to complain about much except for the same ol'. So, yay may?

family, month report, stuff, friends, life, birthday, travel

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