Basically just a note to self in terms of what i am (and am not) now collecting, really.
Main collections:
- Jhoto starters with a very heavy focus on the Typhlosion line (Typhlosion is my main, but incidental other starters collecting).
- The Ampharos line.
Side collections:
- Jhoto legendaries, specifically the legendary dogs and birds (i don't like celebi much...)
- Genesect - probably selective since there seems to be an awful lot of superfluous stuff out there (charms, clearfiles etc.). Will have a figures and plush focus.
- Azumarill - specifically the shiny kind. Maybe get some kids to repaint and some normal coloured plush.
- Dragons - as an extension to my already existing general dragon collection. Mostly figures, but plush too. Salamence, rayquaza, dragonite, garchomp, axew, charizard and others most prominent.
Items that (shouldn't) turn into full blown collections:
- My team - torkoal, swampert, gardevoir, metagross, flygon, sableye/luxray, empoleon, roserade/tyranitar, shiny magby
- Aipom for some reason
- The other legendaries (esp. dragons or dinosaurs)
- Lanturn
- Miltank
- Tropius