On Jobs

Mar 06, 2007 08:12


My contract end is coming up in June and I've started to look into other options. I really want to stay here at Towson University, I like the atmosphere and all the cool new technology and software we are pushing out to the faculty and would love to work more with it. I've decided though to part ways with the Web Design profession though. I love doing web design don't get me wrong....I just don't want to do it as a job and take all the fun out of doing if my friends and other people as well as myself. What am I looking to do you ask? Well, I've applied for a Jr. Systems Administrator position within the same department I currently work in. What is that? <--click the link to read more about it. Basically I'm going to be working on the back end of things with all the hardware and support for them. I did also take kidavi's suggestion and I applied for the Manager Web Design position with the National Wildlife Federation, but do not know if anything will come of that either. So thanks Kidavi, for the help. I hope your job search is going well too.

I've applied to many different places, but have yet to hear back from anyone :/ I hate job searching. I really truly hate it to the bottom of my core. I need to find a job that can support me with room to grow and improve and raise up in the ladder of things so that I can finally move out of home. My mom doesn't want me to go, and I'll miss her when I do....but my dad is driving me batshit crazy to the point I'm ready to pack up and live out of my car. *sigh* at least I'm trying to do something about it and not just mooching off my parents like people I knew. As my mother would say, If it's meant to happen it will. I guess I'll just keep applying to places and see where I land.

job search, rant

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