So I've been having one of my chapter dreams. Where each part of the dream takes place, I wake up and I start the next chapter right where I left off when I got to sleep again.
D and I have bought this house in my dream, it's a really nice house, probably about a hundred years old. Two story, four bedrooms, basically everything I'd want from a house. Well, D was doing something or another and so most of the renovations were left to me to preform. So I was stripping up carpet and such and repainting.
The house hadn't been occupied for like twenty to forty years, after something had happened. There had been a care taker living in an apartment but most renters had left within a month. So we had got it for a steal, since no one wanted it.
Apparently the story I had gotten, was that there had been a family living there. A husband a wife, the wife's mother and their two kids, Gabe and Abigale, who were 3 and 6. The wife's mother had had a stroke and had been living with the couple to recuperate before going back to living on her own. Well, one day the wife was busy with Abigale or the mother, and Gabe got out of the front door and into the road and was struck by a car. The father blamed the mom and the mom couldn't handle it and took the daughter and her mother and left one day and no one knew where they went. The husband committed suicide shortly after.
His was the ghost everyone claimed haunted the house, and that was the official story reported. And the story I got.
Well I had been living there for a couple weeks and working. One of the rooms was set up so that the entire wall was a giant chalk board, and I had been hauling old furniture out of it.
I turned around and someone had replaced the childish pictures on the wall with a message "Where is Abigale?"
That was apparently the trigger of everything that was going on, as that phrase started turning up on everything. Wet paint, note pads, foggy windows. Always the same words in the exact same hand writing.
This went on for several months, and never when D was around. Always when I was home alone. And then finally, I was in the kitchen and lining the shelves with paper. I knew there was someone behind me and when I turned around there was a dark haired woman, hair pulled back into a bun and just WATCHING me, not saying anything.
We must have stood there for a couple minutes, eyes locked, not moving. And then finally she mouthed "Where is Abigale" and vanished.
This started the oddest game of Charades, as she either couldn't talk or was reticent to speak with me. So she'd show up and lead me places, or if i was too slow, show up and walk a loop until I caught what she wanted to show me.
The rumor had been that she had left with mother and daughter, and all of their things had been missing, as well as a significant amount of money from the shared accounts. One of the first things she led me to was a window seat. She'd keep sitting down on it. And then give me a disappointed look and vanish.
I finally opened it up with a screw driver and there was a jewelry box and a couple of photo albums in there. All things she had supposedly taken with her when she fled.
I'd hear the little boy laughing sometimes, and the mother in law would often sit in chairs and vanish when you turned to look at her, but I never saw the dad in the dream.
This one hasn't finished yet, but I would hazard a guess that he killed the two women, but not the little girl, and hid them somewhere on the property. There were no injuries, so I don't know how he killed them yet.
of course, every time I tried to pull out of that dream, I get pulled into a dream where I am home alone and I can hear the roar of a Tornado about to hit the house. And every time I struggle out of the dream I get closer and closer to not making it to the closet in time.