Sep 04, 2008 01:02
[Private, unhackable]
She just upped and disappeared like the rest of them. I didn't think it'd be possible.
It started as fun and games, but, you know, she really gave this place something. Won't be the same without her.
Aah, dammit. She was a silly little beorc girl. But she'll be missed.
Wonder where she is, now. Safe journey, my lady.
Heh, she'll be fine. She's her.
[Filtered to Mist]
Well, then. My dear little lady Mist. Would you rather I stayed here or went on my merry way?
[Filered to Tsuna]
So, Tsuna, about that cloning machine...
Can't let Lady Serra's dreams go to waste, hmm?
[Filtered to Eve]
Hey, kitten. You still here?
I do so hope everyone enjoyed our lovely dinner of gruel. I've heard Lady Serra mention it so many times that I'm sure everyone must have been curious about what it tastes like.
Speaking of which, I'm still open for dishes everyone wants to see.
[Private, hard to hack]
Ungh, why now? And what the hell was that...?!
Without remorse...
How could anyone--
[Public, directed towards evening prep cooks]
Change of plans. I need a small break. Would my assistants kindly take over tomorrow's meals?
((OOC: Woosh sorry for a billion filter changes. XD; Ranulf remembered the stuff with the laguz in the Twisted Tower chapter, I believe it was. Anyway, please take off a day of work. He's feeling very unwell. And this is about as shaken and depressed as we'd ever see him, I'd think.))
we miss you scarfle,
mocking tsuna to ease the pain,
bad timing memories orz,
no rainbows and butterflies in my past,
woah lotsa filters,
depressed ranulf is still acting normal,
move out?,
eve makes everything better,
eulogy for lady serra,
ugh i feel sick