Jan 05, 2009 16:39
[Private, unhackable]
You can't say it wasn't a long time coming.
Since everyone seems to be all abuzz about one of the things the papers are raging on, I'll touch on the other subject that's been assaulting the presses. While I sympathize for the Travolta family, am I the only one who sees how this is just another example of how obsessed humanity's become with fame? If it were an average teenaged boy who died in a bathtub, there'd be a small article about it on page twelve and that'd be over with. But because he happened to be the son of a world famous actor, he's been on the front page of a countless number of newspapers. Let the kid's spirit rest in peace, you jackals.
There's no love lost between myself and reporters, that much is true. But the fact that there are people who are so interested and now want to know every detail these bastards dredge up: it's just horrible. Aren't people entitled to a private life?