Men are like shoes?

Apr 02, 2006 15:53

I'm always telling people that when I met Matt I just knew he was 'the one'. I know a lot of people don't really understand that and people are often asking 'but how do you just know?'. So I thought about it and I realised that the best way to explain it is using my shoe analogy. lol

There are lots of reasons you might buy a pair of shoes. Y'know sometimes you just need a new pair, or they look really good, or they are a bargain or the best pair you could find at the time so you buy them even though you know that they don't fit perfectly. They have their good points and they are obviously worth buying but they're just not the perfect shoes and somewhere in the back of your mind you know it each time you wear them.

When you find the perfect shoes you just KNOW!! They are SO comfortable... you could wear them forever and you pray that they won't wear out because you can't imagine ever finding another pair quite so perfect.

Quite simple really... but I think it makes a lot of sense.

PS - How awesome are those mary janes? *dies*


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