Jan 10, 2012 08:20
I have a totally new outlook on 'resolutions' this year. I think it has to do with not seeing them as feeble promises ~ more like lifestyle changes...
It's quite a list this year - but they're sensible, interesting things that I've ALWAYS wanted to make important in my life. THIS is that year, my friends. THIS IS THAT YEAR.
- take time to read to Matthew every night
- schedule movie night
- schedule game night
- schedule bowling day once a month with Alan & Diane and their girls
- schedule museum day once a month with our kids
- learn to speak Spanish
- change to a healthy lifestyle with:
-> regular exercise
-> healthy eating
-> healthier outlook on myself
-> healthy weight of 125lbs
-> great skin regime
- pay more attention to cleanliness in my home, my clinic, and my vehicle (tidy already, but I want CLEAN)
- bring finances up to date!
- set up travel fund
- set up automatic tithe of 10%
- set up automatic deposit of 5% for my G.S.T. contribution
- get control of my books and my patient files
- set up with my new book keeper
- maintain a fully booked clinic
- earn $7,000.00/month
- win $50,000,000.00 in LottoMax
- always have more money than I need
- set aside time, every day, to learn and study
- ALWAYS take time to maintain my grooming & my health (regular shower, hair appointments, massage appointments, ect.)
- DATE NIGHT once or twice a week. No excuses.