May not sound intelligent, but I'll tell you what I think...(It's dangerous!)

Sep 03, 2005 16:08

My final day has come in which my residence soley resides with my papa...again. That's right, EMU move in day: Tomorrow. As for today, I've been doing laundry, packing, cleaning Phineas's cage, and generally getting ready for Move-A-Thon 2005. So be careful with your heart.

Anyway, I've been working a lot lately. This is the first time I've spent more than 3 minutes on the funputer in a couple weeks. Mike and I went to see Laura's fab new place in Okemos last week. Had dinner with Kristina at over priced and over rated Olive Garden, following my losing (more) money in poker.

The new job is cool. It's competitive, I guess, which brings out the peacock in me. I do hope coming home each weekend will be worth it. Plus, I get hit on by customers once per shift, which is nice for the ol' self image. Phone numbers, hats, and aloud wonderings of my plans following the store's closing make me blush and silently giggle.

Not that I'm bragging, mind you. It's all relevant, I'm sure. After all, I'm taken these days.

I'm nervous for tomorrow. Melissa took care of all the things I overlooked for the dorm last year. I'm not very observant, and I feel unprepared. Also, I believe I could count the nights I've slept in an empty setting on a single hand. Now, every night shall be spent that way. And, all the driving. Blah blah gas prices blah blah Miss doesn't equate to things being as I'd like them. Do motorcycles had horns?

Anyways, my fragile mind has overlooked showering, as I was detained by business for so long. Away!
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