Jul 26, 2005 12:15
Almost 12:51!
The other night, Kevin and I went to see Tait at The Belmont again. I learned many secrets. Secret secrets.
The other other night, Laura and I went to Swirly Top and walked around the neighborhood(s). We saw an ugly but friendly kitty, and shared our ice cream with her. It was a nice evening, aside from the locus. We ended up renting The Perfect Score based on the fact Chris Evans starred in it. The flick didn't wow me, but it was an MTV movie, so...yeah. That's two bad movies in a row, Laura. You're on thin ice.
I've been working. I need a better job, so says my father. He's probably right. I fall into routine too easily, so I don't see a need for it. But, something.
Last night I worked til 8, came home and loafed about. It was boring, and sort of relaxing. I have all these day-kill shifts, so I should probably get used to it. My dad made soup and tells me it's amazing. I haven't tried it.
I wish I had some real video games to play. The sucky part about last night was all that silly VH1. If I had games to replace it, well, you know. There isn't much worth playing that I haven't, and replaying feels forced and predictable. I picked up Pokemon as I tend to do and am trying to get the International Pokedex. I already have the National version, so what's seperating me from those two letters, I wonder? Also, can I get Mew? I don't think Mewtwo would mate with Ditto. Just doesn't seem like the sort of thing he'd do.
I wish Pinsir didn't suck so badly. He looks so awesome, so deadly, but he isn't any good. He never has the advantage. I really want to get my hands on Pokemon Green version. It was never released in the US, but man, that'd be amazing.
Dear me! I best hop in the shower. Good day, all.