Not really opening this up for discussion here*, but there's some stuff that's worth thinking about. (Via Naamah's LJ: Go, read all the links she's offered there. Seriously.'s a very well-written food for thought on how we interact with each other, how we value ourselves, and how we value others. I'm still going through the pages upon pages of comments, reading the stories and point-counterpoint remarks (which have been surprisingly civil thus far, given the nature of the topic). It reminds me of a few situations that I've been in that were sketchy or uncomfortable and I didn't have the self-value to speak up immediately, instead preferring to just be unresponsive and hope it was enough. And I'm generally a rather confident woman, in most situations (at least outwardly - there's always room for self-criticism, it seems; it's the Jell-O of the psyche).
* Work blocks LJ and other sites, and I don't get home until late, so I won't be able to respond to comments or do modly things if this becomes a hot-button can of worms. Go discuss at the original post, if you feel the need. I'm just putting it out because I really think it's something that needs to be read and considered, even if you don't agree, k?