Sep 15, 2008 22:16
Suffice it to say, hoping last year's learning curve was effective was a bad plan. I got to play Switzerland in the World War Three between co-workers. [Never again - remind me of this, please, before we start planning next year...]
So P1 is bipolar in the worst way - not depressed one minute and happy the next, no... she's a two-faced CRAZY BITCH. One minute she's happy and loves the world, the next, she's angry and sulking and hates us all for some imagined insult or other. We can't win. We spent most of the weekend trying to make her happy, doing what she wanted, and failing. Miserably. I think I was the only person she wasn't furious with by Sunday morning, simply because I gave up trying to say anything either way about 30 minutes into the trip. (Ace in my sleeve: "Oh, you know me, I'm the quiet one." and thus, I didn't say jack or shit about Crazy B's bad attitude. Or the catfights between PG1 (CB) and PG2 (coworker who is actually way more fun and easygoing than the rest of us, hence the fighting; she just has NO patience for drama bullshit). I still feel bad for the girl who drank too much Saturday night, because she probably had a stomach virus as well when she wasn't better by Sunday afternoon, and PG/CB decided that she would NOT pull over right away when the girl announced she was carsick (going 40 in the right lane of an open highway - it shouldn't take 2 miles to pull over so someone can open a door and lean out) - and then bitches that her "spotless" car is now ruined. (I will not be surprised if she decides to try and make N pay for interior detailing. I will also not be surprised if N pays for it, because she's a nice girl and avoids conflict like crazy. She was still apologizing (to PG-CB because PG-CB wouldn't stop making nasty comments) the rest of the day, even after we got the car cleaned up and her changed into clean clothes and everything else taken care of.)
Drama at work today was that PG-CB loved everyone again and had so much fun!!! and wants to go to Arizona in October with all of us! :D :D :D (ohgodkillmenow). And at lunch, our 'what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas' agreement [everything was PG-13 or less, but still...] was tossed out the window - basically, the whole office now things that we're a bunch of drunken sluts who have no impulse control and even less ability to keep our clothes on. The married guy that went with us... I felt SO BAD for him, because it was an innocent weekend of fun and PG-CB started telling crazy, exaggerated stories of sexploits that never happened, and I don't trust that someone won't call his wife up and tell her those things. (Yes, he was in our room of four girls while we were getting ready. No, he didn't look because he's a gentleman. Yes, we went to the pool to swim and sit in the jacuzzi. No, we weren't all naked and licking each other like a salted margarita rim. Etc. )
That said, I won $50 on the penny slots while drunk off my ass and waiting for the others to come back from the restroom (Witnesses to that would have seen something along the lines of, ...o.O: 'Fhive thouzzand creditsh? Whuzzat come out to? ....oh. OH. Aweshome!' ) - which paid for my Ann Taylor outlet purchase of a cute skirt and top and matching necklace. ^_^ (I only gambled about $40 total for the weekend, and PG2 and N were awesome and bought a lot of my drinks, so I owe them treats at a later date). I also pretended to rebel with a fake tattoo (black goop that dries and peels off and the remaining image lasts up to four weeks, but looks real enough that Mom had a near-heart attack until I told her it was fake) and puffing at clove cigarettes (not inhaling, just kinda... getting a mouthful of smoke and acting cool by blowing it out to one side. They smell like rather sweet incense, and I wouldn't mind puffing on one again sometime. Mom won't have any of it, but eh.)
I also put a deposit down for The Boots, and they will order it for me from the main warehouse (tried on a few similar styles to make sure I was indeed a size 42, and not the 41 they had in stock). I'll have The Boots in about 3 weeks' time. ^_^ I also now have a glossy full color catalogue of Other Awesome Boots to drool over and make a wishlist for. :D :D Maybe in another year (note to self: one-hour parking is on Hoover street, a block away) and another trip over there after saving up my pennies.
[Anybody want to go to Vegas for a drama-free weekend of drinking and $5 or less blackjack tables? I think Sahara or Imperial Palace is pretty cheap for rooms (we have a company discount on a hotel behind the Flamingo, if it's done being renovated soon) ... Or we go cheaper off-strip and just pay for the taxi fare to and from the strip once a day... I refuse to drive in Vegas if I can help it, though. That place is SCARY, and I'm used to the south county insanity of the 405 freeway. Yeeesh.]
(Sparkles for everyone! I bought some glittery shtuff at the Bath and Body outlet store, and was having far too much fun getting glitter all over those around me, especially our gentleman friend who is a stiff-upper-lip British type most of the time. :D I think he'll be finding sparkly stuff for weeks... )