Hi, this is an important issue to me, and perhaps to you too. This green cemetery is in serious trouble, and can use our help. Here is the message I got from the owner.....
"Dear Friends and Family -I am sending this message to ask for your support. Most of you know that the Bibb County Commission has passed a "Cemetery Ordinance" which effectively blocks our natural cemetery project on Davis Road in East Bibb County.
We need to let them know that we have numbers of people who support our project.
You can help us by calling or writing. You don't have to be a resident of Bibb County to have an interest in our project.
Bibb County Commission
601 Mulberry Street
Macon Georgia 31201
(478) 749-6400
The points are:
1) I support green burial and Summerland Natural Cemetery.
2) Please repeal the new Cemetery Ordinance that is blocking the natural cemetery project in East Bibb County.
Please pass this along to anyone else who may be interested.
Thank you!
Love - Beth"
Here is a link to the website, check it out...
http://www.summerlandnaturalcemetery.com/index.html and here is a link to information about the law, really, these people are sort of insane,
http://www.macon.com/198/story/515312.htmleven if you don't have plans to be buried in Bibb county, this might be of interest as they are planning to push for state wide laws of the same vein.