Oct 30, 2010 23:14
I scratched my cornea yesterday morning. The funny thing (or as funny as causing yourself pain can be) is the way I did it.
It was wear your costume to work day, I of course was Vince (the world's shiniest tech support! XD). Now, it might not look it, but the fabric used for mirrorball suits is actually covered with small sequins. One of these came off and got stuck behind my contact lense, and next thing I know I was tearing up like crazy. Of course, what do I say? "Oh no, my mascara and eyeliner is going run!"
That was so incredibly Vince-like of me, all of my co-workers couldn't stop laughing.
However, by the end of the day I could barely see out of that eye because it was tearing up so much, and I had to wear sunglasses inside because the light hurt so much. I ended up going to an emergency care doctor today, and they gave me numbing drops and all that. It feels much better
Still, throughout the whole fiasco I couldn't help but thinking about the episode when Vince shows Kodiak Jack his scar from the hair straightener. It was like "HA! I suffered for FASHION!" XD
Halloween tomorrow. I might go to a Haunted House, might go to see Rocky Horror. Won't be the same without a Howard though. :(