Woo hoo! I know there's still a little over a week, but it feels so much closer to me because I'll have ITF to distract me pretty much all of next week, so I only have a few days to get everything sorted.
At this point I really don't know if Austria is going to be ready. Somehow, I really can't see it. The frock coat of doom, which I have stupidly put off for so long, is just looking eviler and eviler every minute. So... if worst comes to worst I'll just be Ten the entire weekend and feel out of place. XD
However, because David Tennant's delightful wardrobe (oooh, now doesn't that sound like a fun children's program!) varied so much as the Doctor, funnily enough I would still be wearing something different each day. Friday would be formal, with the tux and all that (a la my banana userpic there), Saturday I would wear the dark blue shirt and the polka dot tie (because I made that shirt and our group needs as much hand constructed stuff as possible to make the 50% for the costume contest), and Sunday I might even do something slightly "casual" like this:
Yes. Totally stole that picture from bellanut's Ten suit breakdown thing BUT THAT OUTFIT IS SO.... AAAAAGH! *dies from the overwhelming Scottish attractiveness presented in those three images*
Plus if Robyn wears her Tooth and Claw costume again, we'd match!
But this all depends on what happens with Austria. I might even be rooting for myself to fail at this point, XD. I must confess, I really enjoy being the Doctor, probably just a wee bit too much actually. But this is a childhood fantasy of mine, you must understand! It's just so incredibly lucky that I became obsessed with this show as a child, and then just so happened to grow up to resemble the man who was cast in the revival of it.
But I'm getting distracted by the Doctor again. I let that happen far too often, not that I can really blame myself considering. If given the chance I could probably go on four hours about the show. Seriously, if you want to see it in action, just pick a topic and watch me go. I'm told I get very excited. Big hand gestures, shouting, that sort of thing.
ANYWHO, where was I? Oh! Right! The anime connvention I'm attending in a little over a week! Hahahhahhh, yeeeah... ^^;
I stil haven't thought of what we should do for our walk on now that we're Master-less (T-T). I mean, it shouldn't be that hard, the Doctor, Rose and Jack Harkness, the possibilities are endless. I just want it to be witty. Witty walk ons are hard to come by, and well... I really want to be competitive.
I don't expect us to win best in show or anything like that (although we did have a very good chance when Andrew was going to be a dalek. I miss you Andrew... rest in peace mate), but I really at least want to win something. I handmade and tailored my own freaking SUIT for Gallifrey's sake! That has to count for something. Oh well, we'll see how it all works out.
Yikes, can't wait for this con! It's literally my favorite con. You know how I came by this con? It was going to be my very first con in the state of Texas, before it was postponed. I had to miss AnimeNEXT that year, because we moved right before it, so I literally SCOURED the internet for a nearby con that summer, and lo and behold there was San Japan, just over an hour away! I was super pumped, I was going to wear my Yazoo costume (which I now realize it was a blessing that I did not, XD. I hadn't realized yet just how hot Texas truly was, and Yazoo is literally pleather head to toe. No fun in Texas in July), and it was going to be great. But of course, we all know what ended up happening. Ikkicon 2 ended up being my first Texas con. Yikes, I know. The Double Tree and all that... the only highlight was when JetTexas complimented my costume, because I think he was literally the only one who talked to me the entire con. I went alone. It was pretty lame.
After that I was pretty bummed about the whole Texas Con scene, because at that point I had no car and I couldn't really get myself to the bigger cons (although that situation hasn't changed much, now merely because my car is too old to reliably get me to Dallas. XD). And then came San Japan. It was the first con I went to with Robyn... and it was just so great. Everything about it was brilliant, the atmosphere, the people, the crazy chairman who got peanut butter and skittles dumped on his head. I went as Reno, and I'll never forget it. Favorite con ever, to this day. I know it's getting bigger and bigger, and as much as I think it would be cool for it to reach about AnimeNEXT size, I must admit I kind of like it the way it its, big, but not huge. But whatever, what happens happens. Right now I just can't wait. GAH!