So I can finally churn out this god damn Idiot's Lantern dress. That's what I get for ordering my fabric from China I suppose... but it was the only place where I could find sequined fabric at a reasonable price for my poor budget. :c
It's not exactly the best quality, but despite the fact that men do in fact stare at Robyn's boobs quite a bit, I doubt that anyone will be looking at it close enough to really tell. From far away it just looks pink and sparkly... just like Rose's.
Of course, since I have no dress form and Robyn is in Arkansas, when I'm done I'm going to have to take the pictures with the dress on myself. With my Tennant hair and dire lack of boobage, I'm going to look like a cross dresser. XD
It's gonna be funny.
I'll have that done probably tomorrow or so, I'll give it a full write up and everything in
dw_cosplay probably. And I'll probably have way too much fun with the cross dresser pictures. XD
It is t minus 4 days until my birthday! And the TARDIS cake which awaits me! Oh, and did I mention I'll be 21? XD
And then after that it'll be a week until Texas Comic Con! I just found out my friend Amaya, who is a 5th Doctor cosplayer, is going to be there. And of course Jessi and I are still going to be the Doctor and Jack. A dynamic duo unlike any other...
I'm going to try something a wee bit daft though, and attempt to be in character the entire weekend. Yeah, I know, wish me luck. Mostly I'm relying on the fact that I already act a great deal like Ten and hoping that I can work out the kinks in my Estuary enough to be believable. Although, if you've heard one of my geek rants before... XD
Eugh. My teeth hurt. My newest set of invisalign trays have these lovely little crimps on the two front teeth that keep catching my upper lip. More than a little irritating if you ask me. I still haven't worked out if they're mean to be there, or if there's something wrong with this set of trays. Either way, it's getting bothersome. I might not make it to 21. I might just go off the deep end. XD
I'm obviously overtired. I should probably get to bed. G'night!