OK, this post is just a basic as to what this LJ is for me.
I have another LJ,
kittyfinn and I use that one for the day to day. This LJ is friended to that one.
I have too many friends on either LJ to be able to keep track. If you have to check out who I am, then please check
kittyfinn. This LJ won't give you much info besides what I like to read and who my flist is. I know it's a bit confusing, but it's the only way I can keep my head straight. :)
I am a huge slash addict and have been since forever. ;) Het doesn't do much for me (unless it's my SO *grins*). I love the pretty boys, and the things they do to my heart rate.
I started off with a lot of random, no fandom pr0n and then degenerated into this. HP, SG-1, Farscape (of which I haven't found much slash), SPN, and the list goes on. As you can tell I'm a bit of a fantasy whore. :) I do love my imagination to be totally pwned by it.
I'd love to beta as I don't have it in me to write, though I do have bunnies galore. I studied to be a proofer for books, so if you know of anyone looking for a beta or a PR'r, please let me know.