(Happy) New Year

Jan 01, 2010 16:50

Last night was considerably less painful than I'd envisaged. Admittedly, the Dad-crafted 2010 headband looked kind of rubbish next to the extravagantly feathered masks everyone else was wearing. Evidently I didn't get some memo everyone else did. Actually, that would accurately describe about 60% of the evening. It was fun, but in between the fun bits, like taking pictures of Death and drinking cocktails with increasingly unlikely names, I was constantly being updated on little bits of news that I really should have known, like people who I know from school getting engaged and moving to desolate houses*. I think the only person I genuinely connected with without any social lubricant was the dog, and then only because I was wearing toe socks and he clearly has a foot fetish. Everyone around me's turned into some hyper grown-up, doing the sort of things that are at present way out. Buying a house?! Getting engaged to a nice bloke who sadly has all the follicular success of William Shatner?! Who are these people?

I suppose on the whole I enjoyed it - Nemesis James wasn't there, for a start - but I think I feel way more comfortable with my university friends, who are still largely in their sowing wild oats phase and who are, well, more like me. And I can talk to them easily. In fact, that will be my first resolution: Spend New Year's Eve next year with other people who don't make me feel five.

(The other resolutions are to learn to drive - and for that I need a letter from my doctor - and to be more creative. Write in here every day, finish some stories, or draw. Just something. I think I'd be a lot happier that way.)

* The friend whose parents hosted this party is moving to Scotland to a house that would be nice if it wasn't in the arse end of bloody nowhere! Great if you like sheep, crap if you like people. I don't think our friendship can survive if I don't make an effort (and learning to drive would be a very good start), but given that she kind of forgot I existed this morning... is it time to let go?

party, friends, new year's eve

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