Hee hee...okay, maybe not a million but I've got a chocolate chip muffin, tea with sugar in it and I just got out of the nice clean air whilst listening to 'Move Along' on my iPod! Yeah, I'm wiggin!
I'm already thinking about September! And as soon as I know for sure Billy's coming to the Sci-Fi Con, I think I may book Sept 1 & 4th off! I'm NOT gonna miss him again! That's for sure!
Plus, he can take revenge on Lijah for signing on him on my Premiere Mag! And the fact that my uncles are going with my cousin to meet Shatner and Nimoy, and if Billy's gonna be there, my friend D will definitely find a way...and maybe even
slashfairy if there's a way ...it's looking like a very exciting Con this year!
Official announcements at Hobbystar don't get posted until May 12th, so I don't know who else is going to be there, but I'm crossing my fingers that maybe some Buffy people and DEFINITELY hoping for Natthan Fillion or anyone from Firefly. I missed Adam Baldwin last year out of lack of money! :( But we shall see preshus.
*goes for another tea...may combust out of excitement* This is a day where I should WANT to play DDR, but will probably be coming down from the high as soon as I go and try to. lol