"These are my 'I have new boots' boots!"

Oct 25, 2005 09:17

Okay, to quell the flame that was surging within me yesterday, fueled by frustration of work e-mail, I went shopping! And I spent a teensy bit too much money, but I'm worth it goddammit and ... YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU! *nods emphatically*

So I got a new cream coloured sweater, a nice green tank top with velvet and lace at the top....and new chocolatey brown calf-high boots with buckles and high heels and nice square toes, just like I like! Ahhhhhh I feel good now.

ETA: HERE! are my pretty new boots! (just click on the brown shade to the left of the pic!) ;D

As opposed to the SHIT I felt like yesterday. So immensely frustrating when you're waiting for paperwork to be e-mailed to you that usually takes an hour (it took more than an effing hour this time by the way) after being second guessed by a newbie on the other end of the phone!!! Kinda wanted to reach through the phone, grab this girl and shake her a bit. "Yes I'm aware that there's no initial. No he didn't want one. We acted on behalf of the other corporations with his name in it so it's a moot point because we already know it's his corporation. YES THEY EFFING AUTHORIZED ME! IT'S FUCKING INCORPORATED ALREADY YOU TWIT!" *sigh* I hate being second guessed when I know what the hell I'm doing because I've done it so many times before....Fuck, I know things goddammit, I have a fucking diploma for christ's sake...I'M EDUCATED! *kicks things....after taking off new boots of course so as not to scuff the leather* So there was the second guessing and then she fannied about with it and made me think my e-mail wasn't working...coupled with the fact that I sent out some e-mails just saying hi to people and thought 'oh, they'll e-mail back and then I'll see that my e-mail does work'. No, apparently not. I didn't get any e-mails until I was at home and it didn't matter anymore. *fumes* Stupid e-mail.

Anyway, so I was like a coil that hadn't been sprung once I got into the car yesterday. So I told Ray to just take me to the Pen!!! Like NOW!! I showed him the kickass new phone that's out that does everything and I want it so bad I can taste it! But my free upgrade doesn't come due till sometime in November, so I have to wait. So instead, I bought...well, what I bought above. Plus Ray was looking around in Electronics Boutique and found some stuff he wanted so we put that on the card. He got two new games and the strategy guides to go with them: Bayden Kaitos for me! and Shining Force Neo for him! I played mine till 1:15 am last night...but it was worth it, so fun! It's an RPG game but the battle system is a deck of cards and you have to select your attack, defence, magic and healing cards from the ones laid out in your deck! It was a little confusing at first but now I'm kicking ass.

*whew* So yeah...that was yesterday. And now for today...I'm not turning on my effing e-mail till noon, that's for sure. I just ordered another certificate. Hopefully I don't have to drive up to Toronto and scream these people silly!

shopping, work, videogames

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