"Ah, the rehab lie come back to bite me in the ass again."

Jul 05, 2005 09:05

Long...long weekend!

Was a good Canada Day though, ate ribs and pasta salad and had beer and my mom made a CANADA CAKE! LOL, it was a nice yellow cake with cool whip and sliced strawberries in the shape of the flag! My mom's so cute! XD And we watched 'The Day After Tomorrow'...little bit of both for me and mum, she loves Dennis Quaid and I love da Jake! Woo

Saturday I had to work (pleh) which I did, and then I went home and crashed for a bit...and then...omg, I played DDR for 3 hours straight and finally unlocked the Vivaldi song (V for Extreme by Taka) and was kicking ass to that! Legs were like Jello by the end of the night and I must have had 2 gallons of water! Good workout that DDR!

Sunday, I stayed home and did laundry, muchos laundry, went on the net for a bit, talked to friends on the phone, played DDR for 2 hours, watched 'Vanity Fair' and just basically vegged out.

Yesterday started off well, I looked hot, work was going well despite the fact we had 6 deals. And then all the other law firms decided to take their sweet ass time getting shit to us so I was running around for the good part of the afternoon in the humidity and sun. Woo....Hoo! lol So then, went to 2nd job and do you think they could leave me alone with all their stupid questions? No! This one agent makes me want to *head desk* every time she speaks!

On a good note though, I got a postcard from Glasgow last night! One of my good friends is vacationing there and it's a pic of a beautiful cathedral. She's having an awesome time! Lucky so and so I mean, Awww, so glad! ;D

Well, I was at work today at 8am finishing Wills, and now I need to do up the labels and everything for it...so off I go!

*I need my Chunky Monkey and a good Keanu Reeves movie...dammit!*
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