To the man who let my husband go

Dec 30, 2015 14:56

.... it's been almost 2 years now since you let him go from a job he put 17 years into. You promoted him, twice, only to let him go. I would love to know why you promoted him and then just thought 'hey this guy could go'. I'm sure you'll say 'it wasn't up to me' ... well you vouched for him in the past, why didn't you this time?

My husband says that you were torn up when you had to do it. I don't believe it for a second. I'm sorry. I don't know you, but I don't think you gave a damn what happened to my husband or our young family... with a little baby. Maybe you thought 'better him than me'.

We're just in a bad place right now. I'm working like crazy to keep the bills paid and a roof over our heads. I'm exhausted, my nerves are shot, my fuse is short and our city is horrible for finding a job. Most of the time I come home more tired than I started and I still have to keep going and 'try' to keep a smile on my face. My husband has been on several interviews but nobody is taking him because of this whole 'fiscal restructuring' garbage. No one believes him. No one will give him a chance. They all say they'll call the next week but they never do.

So thanks for two years of hell.... I hope it was damn worth it for your company's bottom line.

No love ever,

P.S. If I ever see you, I will introduce myself and my little boy and tell you all of these things in person. I don't care what my husband will say to me after. You have to know that when you let someone go, you let a whole family go.

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