"Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!!! Game off!".... "Game on!"

Feb 14, 2011 09:48

First of all, Happy Valentine's Day everyone :) And if you don't like Valentine's Day then, .... have a happy day anyway :)

Second, I was watching television last night and CTV had their Anniversary of the 2010 games in Vancouver. It was so cool to look back on all the moments that made me into a blubbering patriotic mess! :)

I finally got to see Sid the Kid's Golden Goal too. I don't ever think I told this story but I was watching the game up until the overtime period. I was such a chicken... I couldn't watch because if we lost, I knew I'd totally barf. So I busied myself on the computer trying to figure out how to put songs on my new cell phone. The reaction from the other room from Ray was of total disbelief:

"Oh my god..."
"Crosby scored!"
"WHAT? We won?!!"
"Yeah, he totally just scored off Iggy!"

And now that I'm telling this story, I'm sure I wrote about it last year! LOL But still, being able to see that goal and see all the reactions all over Canada, the whole country just kind of erupted!! I remember hearing reports about what was going on in Toronto and they had to shut down the downtown core just because everyone emptied into the streets to celebrate! I'm not a huge Crosby fan, like at all, but dude... way to save it up for the 'Holy Mackinaw, what a Beauty Goal'!! :D

So I'm wearing red today for 2 reasons now :) I think I may just knit those 2010 mittens that I have in my pattern stash - I do have some leftover Red and White yarn that could do easily. :)

And yes, just like last year, I wept like a little Canadian girl :)

hockey, 2010, canada, valentine's day, olympics

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