"Yeah, but even in the woodchuck suit I still fantasize about him"

Feb 09, 2011 12:57

LOL, so as you can tell, Easy A is one of my favourite movies right now. Emma Stone is just so great and it makes me wish that there was a 'Woodchuck Todd' when I was going to high school.

Anyway, sitting at home today as we have a day off (not by choice anyway, losing $$$, boo) and watching Trinity Blood on Netflix. I miss having my anime club in college, it was always so fun. Plus, it was a nice survprise for the members when I could snag some new episodes.

I have to get a package together to mail out sometime before 5pm today so this is a short entry, with no other point than I'd like to keep posting here every day as much as I can. It makes me feel better to ramble on in this journal and people can choose to read it or not rather than ramble on and bore the hell out of whoever I'm talking with.

Oh, almost forgot, if you knit, check out 'Vampire Knits' - I checked it out at the library yesterday and it's awesome! I've purused it before but now I can take a nice long look and scour my stash to see what kinds of neat things I can make from it. Also picked up 'Naked Heat' the second Nikki Heat mystery by Richard Castle! LOL I just love how it ties in with the show, it's very cool and the books are fun and quick.

Take care everyone, off to feed my Sim Hospital addiction!

knitting, books, work, castle, home, anime

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