"It's grapey... grape-ish..."

Mar 12, 2009 12:09

HeeHeeHee....Life was so good last night, Crews can always find some kind of fruit around. And how frickin funny was it when he just started stealing fries from the Insurance agent... who is of course Helen McCrory (Damian's wife) in real life. I picture a behind-the-scenes take where she slaps his hand away!

Anyway, having a tough time getting a good night's sleep lately :/ I think I've been playing too many videogames and listening to music that just gets stuck in my head and ... it's like this: my head is like a hamster wheel, and right now the hamsters are at a high population and they're all hopped up on something and all vying to get on the hamster wheel - so I end up with an active, but clogged wheel, and always at bedtime. Therefore, that's why I had such fitful dreams, tossing and turning, and I think the anxiety dream that I had was aimed at work. Whenever I have a dream about being at high school and not having my schedule, the bell rings, I have no idea what class I'm going to or where it's being held... it's most likely work.

So, I need to try and relax a bit and going to knit night tonight will probably help - I'll have a nice iced chai latte and knit on my rivendell sock some more and just chat and relax. Even now I'm still kind of buzzing and don't know what I need to do next, because there are a few things.

I need the little book of calm.... or some Crews Zen wisdom

knitting, life, damian lewis, work, socks, dreams, black books

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