"OMG!" "What?" "I've got a packet of f*****' Jaffacakes in my coat pocket!!"

Oct 06, 2008 12:37

LOL, I had the laziest weekend probably ever. I didn't feel like doing anything, but amazingly, I did stuff.

Friday after work Ray and I got our Turkey for Sunday.... so, I thought we were only going to be getting a small one considering it's only me, Ray, his dad and my brother.... no, we got a 20 lb bird! LOL!!! We also picked up some stuff like cranberry, orange sauce and 3 pumpkins for Halloween! They were ginormous and only $4 so why not. One for me, one for Ray and one for draconis_magus and shadowhawck! I have a sneaking suspicion we'll all be watching Ghostbusters on that night too.

But turkey anxiety... hmmmm, I have to take the thing out of the freezer on Wednesday morning, and I have all the stuff to make the dressing, got the sauce, got a packet for the gravy, got potatoes.... got lettuce... and we're getting the pie when I get the rolls so, I think I'm good. Now it's just a matter of cooking the thing. *crosses fingers*

Anyway, Saturday, I basically slept in, went out with mum and dad... and then napped until Ray got home. So bad, I know, but I must've needed it right? We watched Iron Man again and I slept through THE KILLERS ON SNL! Nooooooooooo!! I saw their first song but, I woke up at 1:30 grrrrrrrrrrr.

Sunday... okay, Sunday was fun in a very relaxed sort of way. Got up, had apple streudel bread toast (got it at Costco) and tea for brekkie... and then... oh boy oh boy oh boy! I played Guitar Hero 2 on medium (of course) and unlocked 'Carry on my Wayward Son!' Woooooooooooooooooooooooo I turned it up so loud and got 97%!!! Was wicked! I played it at least 5 more times after and then once to show Nana what the game was and then once again when Ray got home. He was kind of underwhelmed (or he seemed that way to me) but I'm chalking it up to him being tired. The rest of the day consisted of me knitting and watching 'Spaced' while eating Jaffacakes! :D

So it was a pretty good weekend, ended up watching 'Transformers' on a whim cause of a Ray craving last night and didn't get to play Scrabble with him but, it's ok, I worked on my cross-stitch during :)

Alright so.... now it's monday, fun is over and I've been working non-stop all morning - Estates and Amalgamations and Resolutions.... oh my!


guitar hero, movies, videogames, halloween, knitting, supernatural, spaced, the killers

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