“That was the second most disgusting fluid I’ve ever had in my mouth!”

Apr 10, 2008 16:09

So, as was said, on the day of my big 3-0, Ray and I went to see ‘Run Fatboy Run’. We had to go and see the late show cause well, we were late for the early show - but sufficed to say, it was great, even though we had to wander through the zombie town that was the Niagara Square (it’s total shit now, quite scary).

So, click below if you want the review!!!

Ok so, I won’t give too much away because really, you need to go out and experience it for yourself.

Those of you who are fans of Simon Pegg really won’t be disappointed! He’s just as cute, funny and sometimes very goofily ‘wrong’ as ‘Dennis’ in this movie! He plays a guy who gets so scared on his wedding day that he leaves his bride, Libby, pregnant at the alter. You get flashbacks now and again but mostly the movie takes place five years later and their little boy is sooooooooooooooooooo cute, I mean, I want the little guy he’s the most adorable thing ever (especially if you’re an LOTR fan as well).

Anyway, so Libby is now dating this financial district boob called Witt (Hank Azaria) and Dennis tries to one-up him by running in a marathon just to show that he's as good as Witt is. It all started out kind of ‘haha I’m gonna run a marathon’ kind of jokish until Dennis really gets serious and starts training like a mad demon with his gambling addicted best friend Gordon (Dylan Moran - Davs from ‘Shaun of the Dead’) and the downstairs neighbour, armed with a metal spatula for ‘motivation’.

So Dennis goes for it and hilarity ensues! I won’t go on with the plot as that is the gist of it and I don’t want to ruin it for anyone. But the movie was very enjoyable with a lot of laughs, sight gags (WARNING: Dylan Moran flashes his ass on more than one occasion), catchy and quotable lines, and there was only one gross bit - I think you can guess it’s the blister scene..... ewwwww.

The movie has a lot of heart and you may miss all the gratuitous swearing and superfluous violence from Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz (let's just say whenever he's paired up with Nick Frost), but the parts where you’re cheering Dennis on make up for it! So go and see it, you won’t regret it. :D

simon pegg, reviews, movies

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