Aug 11, 2007 09:50
Ugh, boring day....mum's coming over to help me clean though I don't know what we're gonna clean. It's mostly dishes and laundry and too many books and DVDs lying around. Ugh. But she said we could go to the mall afterward, maybe I could pick up a cute tank top or something.
Anyhoo, we finished 'Angel' the whole series, and it prompted me to start a fandom journal over on Insane Journal....and in light of JK and Joss pissing me off cause they're killing my characters....the username on IJ is 'killed_my_duck' just if you're interested. I'll have all my Buffy/Angel/Firefly musings as well as Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Xena, Battlestar Galactica and anything else that grabs hold and won't let go! lols
Oh how I wish it was a long weekend this weekend too....I don't think I can wait for two more weekends for an extra day off. But the week has been going well, been working till I pass out at lunch from the exertion of opening files quick....because I guess people like to move into houses two weeks after they buy them *rolls eyes and bitches*
I really want to just do nothing today but...the dishes need to be done, clothes need to be washed and ...yeah, no rest for the wicked it seems. Have a good weekend everyone!