"If you don't like 'The Fuzz' on your ass why don't you shave it off?"

Jun 07, 2007 19:51

Hee hee...I found some pictures!!! And I just had to post them up here cause it's too damn funny. So, of course I was looking up stuff on Damian Lewis (duh), and I found publicity stills of his new show that's gonna be on this fall, 'Life'. He plays a detective named Charlie and ....omg does he look good. But I couldn't help laughing when I saw the poses he was in....here's one....

And...lol, looking at that picture....who does he remind you of???

OMG....I love it!! Or is it only me who finds this completely funny??? I love Damian to bits but oh....heehehehehehehe!!! *wipes tears* I love it.

Ok, I'm good now!

damian lewis

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