"And if I ever seize the day..."

Jan 21, 2007 13:21

Okay, I think I'm sufficiently recovered from Friday night! Though the fun still lingers and if you see me walking around with a goofy smile on my face, it's because I'm still thinking of Friday night!

Yes, for those of you who don't know, Ray and I headed up to Toronto to see 'The Miniatures' play at the Horseshoe Tavern! And getting there was half the adventure, let me tell you.

The night before we found out that they were going to play at midnight, and the last GO Train back to Oakville was at 12:43. So, we were kinda screwed, until I suggested that we get a room and stay over! And we did. We got a room at the Strathcona for $75 and it was all we needed.

We left at around 10 to 6 and it was snowing like a bastard! We were really worried we wouldn't make the train. But we did...the train just didn't make it. lol It was 15 minutes late and we had to switch trains at Longbranch (I think). So we arrived in Toronto at 8:30ish.

I don't know why I have this obsession about being on time, maybe I get it from my dad but, I've learned about concerts at bars and such to know that everything starts late. Still, we walked over after a quick room service meal and a shower. It was surprisingly close, about a 15 minute walk and we staked out a nice little corner table once we'd paid our way in.

I had a couple drinks (too early, too much) and was slightly tipsy when the guys arrived. We said our hello's to Leslie and enjoyed 'Newspaper Taxi'. They were very good and we were to find out that Chris, the new drummer, was a ton of fun.

I was wandering around a bit during 'Ashley's set and they were very good and had a fun sound. :) I went back and sat with Ray and Leslie for a little bit before I got out the camera, and went over to get the CDs for those who had requested them. I brought them back and went to stake out a good spot for videos and pictures.

Of course, I wound up right in front, any closer and I would've been sitting on the stage. lol It was a wonderful venue; narrow at the entrance but widening in the back where the stage was, lots of seating with benches and a great view of the stage at all points.

The show...as always, was absolutely incredible!! I know I say it every time, but it was. And the sound...oh my god, this time, the sound was perfect, you could hear every word and it went perfectly with every note. Sometimes in bars they have everything turned up so loud that it kind of muddles everything together, but that night, it was great, ideal for the videos...which brings me to their first song of the night, 'A Life I had in mind':

They played all of mine and Ray's favourites, including Dragonfly and Actors and Soldiers and I couldn't help quietly singing along and dancing, as the other fans in the very front were doing as well.





AND!! To my delight, they played 'Would you kill if you had to'! They sang with a special guest, Simon Wilcox! She co-wrote the song and she certainly makes the song extra special. Anyway, I've never heard it sung like that live before, and here it is:

The set ended, and like I said before, Chris, from Newspaper Taxi got the crowd chanting 'One More' and the Minis were coaxed up onstage for an encore....of course! And to my surprise, they played one of my favourite songs that I hadn't heard live before. So I kind of went a bit nuts! lol I had the camera off for most of it because I wanted to enjoy the song for myself (greedy me) but decided to take a small snippet just because I could. I managed 24 seconds worth, lol, before my battery died!! So here's the little clip:

After my battery had died, I decided to go back and sit with Ray to enjoy 'Little Bird' their last song of the night. We had so much fun! I only wish Ray could be up front with me for these things, but he really can't...that time at Big Bucks, he scared me half to death when he told me he could feel his stent moving in his chest from the vibrations. But he said he doesn't mind me going up front and having fun on his behalf, not that he doesn't when he stays back, I just don't like being away from him when we're both having a great time.

We heaved ourselves up and went over to the merch area to wait to speak with Leslie and possibly show her the videos I got (I had put in a new battery pack while we were sitting). We stayed back, just watching everyone come and go, the guys coming over once in a while, straying to and fro, getting drinks and cooling down.

Leslie introduced us to her cousin and she had a friend there as well, I think she was from Australia? Again, I wish I could tell, my ears were ringing like crazy, I had to strain to listen to everything being said and shout a little while talking.

Ian came over and said hello and that he was glad we could make it! We talked for a while and he told us that we must come up to a show in Waterloo and how we noticed that he was singing solo at The Jane Bond every Thursday in January. He was telling us how much he loves The Jane Bond. We told him that we'd see him in February again, at the Port Mansion in Downtown St. Catharines!!! So, I'm going to be inviting a bunch of people for their show on February 10th!!! Maybe I'll even get my brother to come along. Ian offered us some drinks but sadly, both of us had to decline; I had to much, and Ray can't. Ian was very polite in asking why. We thanked him though and said that I'd hold off next time so that I could accept. :)

We talked with others and met a bunch of people before we had to say our goodnights. We tried to find Ian and Kevin but they had gone outside to load up some equipment. So we hugged Leslie and gave our goodbyes to her and asked if she could say goodnight for the working guys ;) and we headed out.

On our way, we nodded at Nick and he was pulled away from the bar to say hello and that 'you guys are all over the place aren't you'. He had seen my videos on YouTube as I had seen his! He had a friend with him that had come from Waterloo to see the show, and just like us, she was having a blast. She offered to buy us a shot but, as I had with Ian, I had to decline, we had to go. So, before we left, Nick offered a hug and we were out the door and walking through downtown Toronto at 3am! lol

I have to say I had a hard time sleeping that night, I was kind of high on everything going, seeing and talking with such wonderful people, kind and humble. :)

Anyway, that is my account! And to those who've asked for CDs, I have them with me and I've sent out an e-mail

I cannnot...cannot wait until February the 10th!

the miniatures, concerts

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