"HALLELUJAH....HOLY SHIT! Wheresthetylenol?"

Dec 22, 2006 18:43

Okay, for all of everyone's sanity's sake, I'm not going to go into the last two days, cause it was hellish, stressful and panic-inducing. So...let's not go there shall we?

I just wanted to come on and thank everyone so much for being here and for those of you who've sent me Christmas cards and presents: rinnuninnu, the pressie's under the tree waiting for Monday morning...and stormy_sue - YOU ARE SUCH A BRAT! But we love you....and DM and I got revenge! MWHAHAHAHAHA Check you e-mail. HAHA!!

And there's a couple other things I need to send out; arhuaine I hope you don't mind if your pressie's a little late, and xchasingtailsx I'm making another for you tonight :) *hugs*

So now that allllllll of this is done, I think I can relax now and have some hot chocolate and Bailey's and just enjoy the weekend, eat heavily, drink twice as much and sleep as much as I can handle.

My friends Phil and Tami are both down for the holidays so I'll be able to meet up with them at some point hopefully and spread some holiday cheer :D Maybe on Sunday at noon before things really get going. Ray has to work till 2pm and then we're going over to NANA'S!!! Wooooo Turkey and homemade raviolis, meatballs, nana's sauce with ribs, pork chops, hot sausage and said meatballs stewing away inside the sauce.....dayum, I love Christmas! And visiting with everyone! God, it's gonna be great.

Love you all, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and MERRY CHRISMUKKAH!!!

christmas, chrismukkah

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