"Let's entertain our soldiers..."

Dec 17, 2006 23:51

Again, as I did before, borrowing a little lyric from The Miniatures themselves for the title comment above. :)

I really don't know where to begin. Like last time, Ray and I got home, had a nice dinner and we both got ready. Ray had to have a nap because he had started work at 7am that morning and he kind of needed one. The guys were going on at 9 and we didn't get out of the house till 20 to!!! I was kinda freaky cause Ray 'never' takes 'only 10 minutes' to get ready. lol

We got there with a little time to spare and I was super excited. Albeit...struck with a sudden bout of shyness. It was so stupid. But after about 20 minutes of being there, listening to the Billy Talent CD that Big Bucks had playing, I finished my drink and head over towards the merch area.

I saw a girl that looked really familiar and I introduced myself, yep, she was Leslie. :) She was super nice, just like I thought she'd be and was in charge of the merch that evening so she wouldn't be able to see the guys play. :( So we took pictures and videos. The thing was though...I didn't bring the GOOD camera!! I was kicking myself in the ass all night because of that. Despite that, the photos weren't too bad...it's just, they could have been so much better. lol

So before the show, we hung out and talked a little more, introduced Ray cause he had only heard about Leslie from my ramblings about how much I love MySpace lately! lol Melissa had messaged me and let me know that she wouldn't be able to make it that night because the guys were playing so early...we still have no idea why. But she said she'd send along a CD for me. And it really wouldn't have mattered if it was forgotten, we were there to meet Leslie and hear the guys. But like a champ, it did get passed along. So when Ian was walking by to start up the set, he stopped to say hi and Leslie introduced me and was followed by a great greeting and 'I have a CD for you'. lol 'After the set though'. Yay, which meant it was about to begin. We said our 'see you laters' to Leslie with promises of pics and videos and headed up to the stage area!

They were awesome, as usual! Never ever a let down they just kept going and I was so glad to hear them play 'Dragonfly'. I had only ever heard it on the music video and was so happy to hear it live. It was stuck in my head all Friday. lol I really, really wanted to apologize though...cause for some reason, most of the people that showed up that night had sticks up their asses!!! And Ian had to ask them like 3 times to give them 'Some Canadian Love'. I felt so bad to be a St. Catharines resident that night but I was trying my hardest to get some good pictures and vids for Leslie, so I had to stay back to get a little better sound. Not to mention that Ray couldn't move any closer cause the last time we were that close, his heart stent was being jostled and, well....a trip to the hospital really wouldn't have capped off the night very well.

So we had a great time listening to them play, and by the end of the set, a lot more people were up close....and I felt like kind of a fangirl for mouthing the words as they were being played and sung but I can't help it, I do that all the time, even walking around for work I end up mouthing words. The ended off with 'No Cure' and they were done....way too soon. But they really didn't have a choice in the matter since they were playing first. We could listen to them all night if we had the opportunity.

So, we checked out our pics and Ray showed me his videos and we headed back down and hung out on the side-lines cause people were snapping up some merch and Kevin's girlfriend was there too. I recognized her from the Burlington show. She's so glam and he seems quiet and artsy to me so they fit well. We waited in the wings for a little while and approached Leslie again. Ray showed her some of his videos and we're going to be uploading those as soon as I can get Ray's memory card...I've got my pics, and vids but his are still on his phone.

We sat and talked for a long while and got Leslie some water cause she still couldn't leave the merch area still. We had a great talk and she's very sweet and I'm glad I got a chance to meet her that night. I probably could have in Burlington but I wouldn't have known her yet. So this was perfect. She introduced us to Ryan, her boyfriend and he was super nice too. It always blows my mind though...these people are just like us, but are bestowed with so much talent. We're always amazed at how sweet everyone is!! And in saying that, Ian came over and handed me the COMA KID Cd!! WoooooT! lol

He talked with us for a while as 'Oliver Black' was playing and having a good time talking about MySpace and how much a response they got when they advertised 'be on our top 24 list'. Somehow I managed to make it! lol But like I said, these guys are just the most approachable and endearing. He and Ray talked for a little while and I couldn't quite make out what they were saying but Ray told me later on to let Ian know when we're coming by to see them again. I shall I shall.

Ian went off and had a drink and we chatted with Leslie for a little while again, with both Ray and I pondering why they're not headlining somewhere. :/ Cause really, we'd rather be listening to the Minis. Hopefully I wasn't such a blab-monster that I got annoying...that's the one thing I'm always worried about, but it seemed to be going okay.

We weren't going to stick around for the other bands because really, we were there for the Minis and to meet with Leslie and hang out a bit if we could. Ray was pretty tired and so was I so we decided to head out. We said our goodbyes and got our handshakes and hugs from Leslie and Ryan...a passing smile from Kevin and we didn't see Nick at all that night, but he was most likely busy with things so we didn't want to trouble him. On the way out though, Ian was watching 'Oliver Black' so we went over and said goodnight, got myself a hug and told him...er, more like screamed-and-hope-he-heard that we'd definitely be coming to see them again. :)

We headed home, high on fun and meeting such wonderful people and I felt lucky and really, kinda cool for the first time in a long time. We watched The OC Chrismukkah episode at 11pm with both of us wondering how cool it would be to write to the writers of the OC and get the guys to play at the Bait Shop....cause really, they're a perfect fit to the venue, perfect fit to the show. lol And if we had a way to pimp it out in that way, we would.

But right now, all we can really do is send the songs, the CDs along, post concert dates and wear our t-shirts out to big group venues as we've been doing for a while now. :)

Speaking of pimpage....The Miniatures will be playing at 'The Starlight' in Waterloo on December 30, 2006!! So if you're in the area, you should go, you'll have a damn good time!

And, without further ado, here are a couple videos from the show. Please excuse the kind of bad quality but, again, we only had our cameras on our phones to play with.

This is a snippet of their song 'A Life I had in Mind' - one of my favourites

And this is a clip of the title track 'Dead Flowers' - the sound is really pretty good on this one considering. :)

So my friends, that is my adventures on a Thursday night...and I hope they'll continue because it's just way too much fun meeting new people with talent such as this. :)

the miniatures, concerts

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