"Guess who I got it from. Bob DiStefalo." "Didn't he break your collarbone & steal your woman?"

Nov 23, 2006 19:17

Hoboy...why must we be forever cursed with brainless clients with a taste for the obvious compensating items?? We've got this douchebag refinancing his house for...get this...a new benz.

*rolls eyes emphatically*

Yeah, cause that's really super smart. Ray and I have to budget most of our money and he's refinancing...for a car?? It makes my brain hurt. If it's not for me, why bother? (heeheehee)

Other than that...yeah, it has to be done for tomorrow.


Here, let me crap that out for ya! Jackass.

So, apart from that nonsense, everything seems to be okay. Foot's feeling better but still taking the meds cause I should; went grocery shopping last night and got foods (yay, we can eat now); watched the Flames obliterate the Black Hawks! Hee hee Go Kipper! Go Iggy! Mwahahaha!!! And TONIGHT!!! The OC is on :D Flirtations escalate and abound with Ryan and le pretty one! :) All those who say 'nay' at Ryan's new match, I say 'get yo ass out my journal'! I like it!

And something really cool happened yesterday. For those of you who play Neopets, you know the only way to paint your pet is with a paint brush. These things are really expensive (neopoints wise). I got a new pet, a Xweetok, and they look the coolest as Faerie Xweetoks, so I was on a mission to save up for the Faerie paint brush (since it usually costs like 2mil neopoints to buy and are really rare to get). Well, I got lucky! The Fountain Faerie sent me on a quest! Usually the other faeries get you to find them something and your pet goes up a level or something cheesy...but the Fountain Faerie sends you on your way to get her something, and when you're done, you're allowed to paint your pet WHATEVER YOU WANT! So dude, I spent 90,000 np and got my Xweetok painted! It was awesome! :) All in under a month of joining up again :) So happeeee! Here's my neopet now:

Anyway, best get back to work on this crappy file. Hope everyone's having a good day and....argh...*itch on the top of my foot*

I'm in ur shoes, itchin ur skinz!

ben mackenzie, miikka kiprusoff, neopets, jarome iginla, the oc, ryan, work, calgary flames

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