eeeheee, I'm quite strange today so I'm putting everything behind a cut so you can choose to read it or choose not to. I don't care either way.
Okay so I probably shouldn't have had that Grande Mocha before going into work for a couple hours, cause I'm still buzzing and feeling a little sick really. Added on top of that the comically traumatic event that happened when I got to work....don't ask, just don't - let's just say I've never seen anyone go that red before in my life!
After that I proceeded to the bead store where, for the first time ever, I received no inspiration whatsoever. Dispondent, I went home and watched Laguna Beach and had a nice shower and styled my newly-cut hair (yesterday) with my huge-ass round brush that my new stylist pointed out for me. I am now sex.
Anyway, last night I thought I'd be able to have a good convo with a friend but it turned out not. I stayed up and watched Superman with Ray and went to bed.
Today, er, tonight, going to family buying night at Toys R. Us with Nana and Mom to get some toys for little Daniel and I only came on here cause I'm kind of bored and at home and lonely yet again. Played neopets for a while and phoned up DM to pass on the giggle of my trauma. And just when I thought I'd been forgotten by most of my online friends...I want to thank
isshindenshin for thinking of me and pointing me in the direction of lovely stuffs. :) To know that someone I really want to talk with more but haven't been because of conflicting schedules made a little time for me means a lot...when people that I've been talking to for years have either discounted me totally or just really don't have time anymore. But you know what, that's fine...there's plenty of things to do, and if they don't want to bother with me then that's their problem and I can drive up to Burlington and Oakville and be with people who love me, or even just call up DM and the very few friends I have in the area and they love me too.
Anyway, that's what happens when I listen to stuff from the OC and most of it is the dizzy caffeine-haze talking but I'm good. Doing laundry, looking pretty, reading about how Jake doesn't want anything to do with Kirsten anymore (heehee, gleeful evil laugh).
So thank you Straif and to all of you who gave me a little lift without me having to ask for it or initiate this weekend. I really appreciate it.