"Here, have some Agua Fria."

Oct 20, 2006 15:42


Rain, rain, more rain, a little sun, now more clouds.

I was out earlier in the 'more rain' and got soaked, even though I had an umbrella...my stupid cheapass Payless boots that I JUST GOT leaked and my socks were soaked...making me cold all over and just plain miserable.

S'ok now though, despite the fact that I'm drinking way too much tea and want to go home like 3 hours ago. I don't even know what I'm going to do for the majority of the weekend? Probably have some more fun with icons and try to duplicate the Kipper icon I made and try my hand at posting a tutorial for it. Everyone seems to like that one the best, as do I...so, why not right?

It's gonna be a kind of lonely weekend. I'll be at home alone most of the time cause Ray's working and he'll have the car. Maybe I'll go for a couple walks, take pictures and such....make some City and Colour icons with actual pics of St. Catharines...I think Dallas would approve. And that reminds me...I've fallen in love with a new song by City and Colour called 'Casey's Song'. DM and I listened to it in the car during our shopping trip and I just now again listened to it and omg....I'm going to post it tonight in a music community I belong to, lyrical_minds...it's a friends only community so, if you want to join you basically have to say that you know someone in the comm. But I need to post it there cause the song is just so pretty. I love City and Colour!

Well, that cheered me up somewhat. I say I need cheering up because Calgary lost last night again! AND, not only that, but one of the really good players, Stephane Yelle got injured after a hit against the boards! They're saying it's a fractured ankle and he'll be out for 1-2 months. *whinge* Yeah, I didn't even get to see the game...I just saw the score and then kezukichan broke the news to LJers this morning. *hugs my flames* It'll pick up, it has to, apparently it was worse last season so, I'm holding out hope that we're going to dominate again this year!

Anywho...back to work I guess, got a few quick closings to open up before I go home. Have a great weekend everyone. Keep your stick on the ice!

dallas green, hockey, city and colour, icons, calgary flames

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