"Was it good for you?" "I've had better."

Jul 26, 2006 10:07

Snerk, 'Liar Liar'...which brings me to a meme! 5 and 1! 5 lies about me and 1 truth, can you guess which one is the truth? Tagged by slashfairy

1. I'm allergic to kiwi
2. I was born in Niagara Falls, New York
3. 'Say Anything' is my favourite movie of all time
4. I have one small beautymark on my foot that appeared when I met my husband
5. I was born without a vital gland
6. New Zealand is my destination of choice if I won the lottery

Hmmm...now who to tig, who to tig...well: draconus_major, shadowhawck, kezukichan, stormy_sue and mediocrechick! Tada! *runs off frantically*


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