"From now on I'm on 24 hour butt patrol!"

Jul 17, 2006 14:06

eeeeeeeeeeeeheheehehee!! That title has no meaning WHATSOEVER to this entry, I just like it cause it's funny!

Ahem, anyway...

"Next person to say Shenanigans gets shot!"
"Hey Farva, what's the name of that restaurant you like with the cheesy bread and all the signs on the wall."
"You mean 'Shenanigans'!"
"OH HE SAID IT! Shoot 'im chief!"

Sorry, a little bit of humour from classically cheesy, not remotely comprehendable 'Super Troopers'.

I guess, the humour is compensating for my weekend, that wasn't altogether outstanding, but it wasn't boring either. Friday was good, Ray and I got to watch 'Match Point' and Ray just loved it. It was very dark and intense. I was biting my nails through the whole thing and all the way through...I felt so bad for Nola (Scarlett Johansson). She got such a raw deal with the whole family she was dealing with and the end just...well I was shocked. Not one of Woody's comedies, and he's a very strange one, but undoubtedly a brilliant director, just strange.

Saturday, i just bummed around, did nothing, ate popsicles, did some laundry...basically did squat and it was nice. I watched 'The Life Aquatic: with Steve Zissou' again and every time, I bust a gut at the most odd places. And I came to the realisation that, this movie, has my favourite soundtrack of all time! Ultimately quirky but fitting to Zissou's character, all the Bowie songs either sung by the famous Brit, or translated into Portugese by Seu Jorge. I was like 'oh I know that one, he's singing Ziggy Stardust'. I don't know what it is either, about songs sung in another language; even though I can't understand them (Japanese as well), they're just so much more poetic to me. I love Seu's version of 'Life on Mars'. But yes, all the bits in between obviously composed on a $20 synthesizer just fit, like nothing else would. If you haven't seen it, you need to see it NOW!

When Ray got home, we had some dinner and watched 'Tristan & Isolde'. That...was amazing! Just beautiful. I'd never heard the story before, but this was so nice and so hard and so lovely. The music was perfect and provided the perfect backdrop to the lovely scenery! So Green! And James Franco did an excellent job, very scrappy! Anyway, I don't want to give anything away if you haven't heard the story either, so you'll just have to take my word for it, it's a lovely story.

Sunday consisted of me, being on the net, talking with friends, and getting a lovely post at my myspace profile from my friend Phil. :) It was very unexpected, but certainly welcome and I was so happy to hear from him.

I heard from another unexpected person yesterday as well, my other friend in Toronto, Matt. He was calling because distraction in a phone call is only seconds away, and he said he'd been doing crap drawings all morning and needed to step away. He's probably being over-critical though, he's learning animation at Max the Mutt studios so...I doubt anything he draws is crap...in fact, I've seen him just whip out drawings while having coffee at Perkins in the wee hours of the night. Anyway, he had something weighing on his mind as well and needed to talk to someone about it, about the girlfriend he had about a year ago and her son. This predicament, was sticky for me, cause I have nothing against her son but...this girl, I never wanted Matt to get involved with in the first place...because I knew her in high school and I didn't want Matt to get hurt, because she's hurt people (worse) before. A few people might remember me agonizing over this because I couldn't tell Matt what she had done...it wasn't my place, but yet, I didn't want him to get hurt, it's not a very good situation. But now they have broken up for about a year now and they're just on his mind. I can't really go into anything else because it's not my place to voice his concerns...I'm just concerned for him. So, I tried to give him the best advice possible, told him he was a good man...because he is, and he really needed to hear that. He said sometimes he wishes he was just a complete asshole, then he wouldn't feel so bad. But I told him that there are too many assholes...and even if he tried, I don't think he could be. Anyway, I told Ray the advice I gave him and he gave me comfort in the fact that Ray said he would've given him the same advice in respect to Matt's concern. So...that's good. Ray's wiser than I am most of the time, in many ways, so I trust him.

When Ray came home I was on the couch watching an all night marathon of 'Miami Ink'! OMG! Don't watch it if you don't have a tattoo, cause you'll want one after this!! In one of the shows Ami and Garver went to Hawaii to tattoo some people and this one girl had just turned 20...so Garver gave her 20 flowers and 20 petals strewn across her back and over her shoulder as if they were being blown in the wind....I was in awe! I wanted that so bad, it was so beautiful :D And the only other one I ever wanted was one that this model got, it was a very chibi Japanese animation style geisha girl, and she was so cute!! I love all of the Japanese style art they do on that show, all the coy fish are so gorgeous and each one is different for each client. Ugh...I dunno though, I have a very low threshhold for pain, but those flowers were so pretty. Anyway, it's just a show, and I don't think I could go through with it. Ray says he likes my skin just bare anyway. :) So there ya go. I can admire the art, maybe get some henna done, but I don't think I'll be going under the needle anytime soon.

So, there was my weekend, filled with movies and TV and helping out some friends. Hope this was worth your while to take a read. ;) *mwah to all*
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