Sep 24, 2004 07:02
Quick post, since I finished getting ready for school early today. The concert ended up being sold out last night, which was a real bummer. But.. It wasn't a total loss of a night. We hung out with Hallie's brother-in-law, Dan. He's a real cool guy. Uhm.. He took us to Subway, since I hadn't actually eaten dinner before we ran off to Lawrence. That was nice of him. Then, we went out to the farm house that his whole band pretty much rents out and lives in. I played Emily in a few rounds of Tekken Tag. Beat her with a total of 05-01. Then she played Hallie and Emily won. Then.. we left, got about 20 minutes away, before Dan realized he left his bag at the farm house, so we turned around and went back. Haha. Yeah, from there on, it was just fun conversations and went home.
Bad side: I had a headache all night, even though I took two Extra Strength Excederin right after school. So, that really sucked. By the time we got to that first twenty minute break coming back from the farm house, I couldn't keep my eyes open for long, especially when cars were coming or we pulled up to a light. It hurt too much. Also, Erin's dog Tyson got hit by a car last night. That makes me sad. ;_; I loved Tyson..
So, I don't know, my night was.. evened out a bit, even though the loss seems so much more than the gain when I look at it. Mom gave me two pills for a sinus headache, I talked to Brian for a while, then he told me to go lay down. I ended up falling asleep, woke up around 2:00am, got some Kool-aid.. Checked my messages, then went back to sleep. *hug* Thanks Brian, I think I needed that rest, and I know I would've have gone to bed if you hadn't have thought of it.