A bit of a weird mash-up of a post

Dec 08, 2010 22:23

Since lozateazer has banned me from breathing anywhere near her/food/anything she may touch until I'm dragged kicking and screaming to doc to see about creeping crud that seems to be sneaking up on me... guess I'll post a few things going on today:

Happy 34th Birthday, Dom Monaghan! As a fellow Beatles fanatic (tho' think a lil bit longer than Dom *g*) also have to acknowledge it was thirty years ago today we lost John Lennon. Man, I do still remember where I was 8-Dec-1980. So much has occurred in that time, wonder how his--how our--world would look if he were still with us?

For any Orlando Bloom fans, TORNnews is reporting that Orlando Bloom will reprise his Legolas role in The Hobbit films. Yes, his father, Thranduil has a main story arc in the tale, and Wood-elves did play a role in the Battle of Five Armies. It makes sense, eh?
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