I'm a researchaholic...

Oct 02, 2010 23:18

Like this is a surprise to many *g* (I'm just glad friends like lozateazer, haldoor and lookingglassf1 indulge me... or in Lolo's case insist the original (perfect, one we fell in love with, perfect, etc) house pics are found. And that G haz the mad internetz skillz to actually find the pics when original links long broken (and pics I saved were lost when my HD went belly up)!!!!! *snogs em both silly*

Anyway, that was last night. Today I was a-researching away (and organizing bookmarks, and general interweb pottering about), when I stumbled on these two fan vids featuring the luscious voice/music of Lee Mead:

For the Merlin fans on my flist (who do ship the *koffs* canon *koffs* Arthur/Gwen pairing, not just Arthur/Merlin *g*):

Lee Mead's Breathe You Out

image Click to view


And for the White Collar fans shipping Peter/Neal (sorry, not our OT3 with Elizabeth, just the boys):

Lee Mead's Time To Say Goodbye

image You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com

Goodbye from in-the-bottle on Vimeo.


Oh, and not a fan vid just the yumminess of Extreme's Gary Cherone and Nuno Bettencourt's lush acoustic version of their More Than Words (another song Lee Mead covered on his Nothing Else Matters CD):

image Click to view


extreme, fanvids, white collar, lee mead, merlin

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