Random Writing MEME

Nov 22, 2009 15:02

Writing MEME nicked from trishabooms

I know I need to post an update on Fun-things-wot-happened recently (we'll ignore insane work/RL things, plzkthx). I'll get there, someday, soonlyish, I hope *sighs*

Anyway, I need to somehow kick my muses into gear. With the writerly things I need to get done as well as the editing/beta work that is very, very overdue, I've no idea when I'll post results of this meme. Hopefully, just opening myself to new, potentially very interesting plot bunnies will get my writing juices flowing. (I totally blame writing way too many justifications and exemption requests for work--which we'll also ignore.)

Here's how the meme works:

I've written down a list of ten characters or actors and I've numbered them one to ten. (Trisha's doing characters, but I'm a bit more comfortable in the AU RPS realm).

All of them are male and all of them are characters from either movies or TV (or the actor(s) involved).

What I want from you are prompts using these characters/actors. You can use just one character/actor if you like or any combination. You can give me as many prompts as you like.
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