Title: Trust - Bébé K & C
rufferto and
kitty_trioFandom: RPS - LOTR (+ pre and post filming)
Characters: Craig Parker/Karl Urban, Marton Csokas, Mark Ferguson
Prompt: #18 Gift
Word Count: 722
Rating: Slash, Adult, NC-17
Feedback: Yes, please
Disclaimer: It’s Fiction! It never happened! All lies from troubled minds. They just look and sound like people you recognize.
Summary: What began with Mate with Benefits, continues through the years with these snapshots into the entwined lives of all four mates.
Author’s Notes: You bring out the best in me
The greatest gift heaven sent to me
You embrace me
Respect me
Trust me
Click here for our Fluffy Tables:
Fluffy K & C Manip by
rufferto, banner by
kitty_trio Prompt 18 Gift
Craig runs into the apartment tosses down his bag, looks around for Karl and finds him butt sticking up as he searches the fridge. He jumps on Karl and wraps his arms around his neck. "Karl!!!"
Karl yelps, jumps, smashing head into top rack, yelps louder. "What...?" he grunts, one hand to his sore head, one on Craig's thighs
Craig kisses Karl's bumped head, but doesn't let go, arms and legs wrap around Karl’s lean hips. "I love you.”
"Love you too, but why do I have a squirmy lover attached to me bum…not that I'm complaining… much."
"Because!" Craig beams. "I have something in my pocket!"
Karl grins over his shoulder "Yeah...?" his hand moves from thigh to cup Craig's crotch, "Mmm, for me?"
"It's from the University of Wellington." Craig whispers in Karl's ear.
"My acceptance?"
"I don't know! I didn't open it!" Craig says indignantly.
"Fucken finally!"
Craig grins, "You'll have to get it from my back pocket!" He wiggles off of Karl and starts backing away with a wide grin.
Knowing how quick the little bugger could be at times, Karl stays where he is. The fridge door closes, and younger man opens his jeans. "Ok...I'll just.... stroke this for a while"
"I know you want it." Craig licks his lips, backs away down the hall.... running into Mark who had just woken up.
Mark grunts, "What's all the racket?" He had a night job on top of acting and had been catching a nap.
Karl’s lower lip pushes out in a Craig-patented pout. He tucks his erection -as best he can- back into his jeans, and wanders after Craig. “Craig has tickets to the footy match.” He fibs, hoping to enlist Mark’s help in getting the letter out of Craig’s pocket.
Mark's eyebrow raise, he's already lifted the letter from Craig's pocket. "This letter?"
Craig eyes Mark, "Hey! I didn't even feel that."
Mark grins, "I have hidden talents." He tosses the letter to Karl and tries to ignore the fact that Karl is tucking his cock back into his pants. "I'll just...be in the bathroom."
“Thanks mate!” Grinning broadly at Mark, Karl turns to Craig and sticks out his tongue. “See, some friends don’t play games with important papers.” He quips cheekily. “Now, I’m not sure if you deserve to know if I’ll be staying home next year or not.” He runs his thumb under the envelope flap, opening it slowly.
Craig suddenly stiffens under that remark. He forces a smile though, in spite of the raging emotions suddenly ripping through him. "I was gonna give it to you. I was just playing." He sticks his hands in his pockets.
“Ah…ah… shite… Kitten…” Karl shoves the letter in his back pocket and pads up to Craig. “Love, you know I want to be right here with you,” he takes the smaller man into his arms. “It’s either Uni or go work for my dad. At least at Uni I can still hope to pursue an acting career.”
"I know." Craig fights with the worry in his heart as he leans his head against Karl's chest. "We did it before, we can do it again." The pain of separation is a clear memory, Craig doesn't know if he can handle long distance with Karl again. What if Karl's career takes him further and further away. "I am still on Shortland Street for a while and have to stay here. This is my best shot at a future." He sighs.
Karl cards his fingers through Craig’s hair. “Lover, you have a career, or you know I would drag you with, to wherever I end up.” Craig’s heart is thundering against Karl’s chest. He lifts the other’s chin until watery blue eyes stare up at him. “Love you Kitten,” he kisses one eye, “wherever you are is home,” and the other eyelid. “That means more than any other aspiration.”
Craig looks up at Karl and smiles softly. It's his own special smile for Karl alone. "I want you to do what's right for you, Karl. I'll be here to come back to." He traces Karl's lips, forcing all raging emotion to a calmer level, to be strong. He'll have to be.
"Besides, someone's got to make sure Mark doesn't work himself to the bone and Mari doesn't get into trouble."