Jun 30, 2006 06:32
An update!
I went and hung out with Liz last night. I haven't seen her since Christmas and after seeing her last night it struck me that I don't know how we managed to become so different, and yet have so much to talk about. We talked about everything from her friend's wedding to being a teacher to going to Japan to high school reunions to family, to boyfriends...We spent almost 2 hours hanging out and it felt like five minutes. Oh that she were a nerd like me. I made a promise to myself that I would call her more than just Christmas and her birthday (which are, interestingly, almost 6 months apart exactly). I hope I'll hold myself to it.
Anyway, my guild has been trying to do MC lately. We've got up to about Baron Geddon on nearly farm-status, and we've got up to Hakkar in ZG on farm status. We got to Hakkar Wednesday, but it just seemed like our heals just weren't ON. Oh well though, I'm just hoping I can find someone to talk to on the long raids. My one friend is now working night shifts, and thus won't be raiding with us for about 3 months. QQ
QQ means crying if you are uninitiated. It is retarded, but it's kinda grown on me.