I hereby deem Erin’s ChristmasGiftExchangeoPartyPalooza a complete success. Many gifts changed hands, and most people were thankful for the thought that went into their gifts. Some people more vocally than others, but that’s an issue I should deal with in another medium. I worked all day at Container Store, but even that couldn’t ruin the overall feeling of “YAY CHRISTMAS!!!!!A!@” which invaded my every thought. You would not believe how much Christmas Cheer seeped from my pores on that magical day. Even as I drove through blisteringly angry throngs of mall-shoppers on my way home, I could not help but rock out to the pillows music coming from my car speakers.
My finances are in order, my apartment is big (but still internetsless), and my mug is full of tea. I’m slowly coming to like tea. SLOWLY. And it must be HOT tea, or it must be the sugariest tea ever. Like Russ with his coffee, I can’t stand it without lots of sugar. Sugar makes things bearable. This brings me to my current, unrelated rant.
WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH EATING SOME SUGAR???!?! I wish people weren’t so concerned with being thin these days. Sure, the quality of fast and restaurant food in the US is lacking, but the basic foods: vegetables, meats, breads and fruits are still quite accessible at grocery stores. I think a little too much about this. But you know… 30 years ago I could have been a magazine swimsuit model, because I AM ATTRACTIVE. Why do people strive to be something they aren’t? I mean, while I agree and know from personal experience that there is such a thing as an unhealthy lifestyle, there are a lot of people who take their appearance too seriously. My body is comfortable at its current size (perhaps minus about 5 pounds) and if I got much SMALLER I’d be unhealthy. Since I left college, I’ve been more active in general and so my weight has reflected it. Though I would LIKE to sit around and play Warcraft all day, I recognize that I have things to do and it is those things which keep me from becoming a hideous buttertroll like the ladies at work. Just eat what you like, but cook it yourself, you know? Instead of going to Chili’s and getting a grilled chicken sandwich with honey mustard dressing and bacon with a side of fries, why not grill up some chicken at home, season it with stuff you like, and eat some broccoli or mixed veggies instead of the fries? Going out to eat should be a treat, not a norm. People lament the fact that they’re fat, but then go out and get processed, fattening crap every day for lunch. I’ve been guilty of that before, and once I started seeing the change in my physique I cut that shit RIGHT out. I pay attention to what I eat, sure, but I don’t limit myself. If I decide to get ice cream after dinner some night, I balance that off with not eating it the next couple of days. I snack at work, but I usually eat fruit or nuts instead of cookies or chips. It’s not that those are less fattening, just that they are probably less full of unhealthy things. Blah. That’s enough.