Spoilers for relationships in Mass Effect. Just so you know.

Jan 22, 2010 14:30

So, OK, as previously reported, I have one academic reference for an MA, but the second has not been forthcoming (or even replied to). This means I'm going to have to start exploring avenues of people who probably don't remember me or my essays, or just bite the bullet and end up with both of my references being people teaching on the MA. Not sure if that's even allowed, but out of the people who taught me in my third year (so most likely to remember me), two are teaching on the MA, one hasn't responded to my query and one is probably not going to remember me as I get the feeling she may not be terribly organised or have a good memory. Perhaps I should follow the guidelines on the UEA website and send a photo!

OMG 'Dragon Age: Origins'. That's a proper RPG dammit. It doesn't try to be anything but a classic adventure story with a Bioware formula. Also, the love interests have a lot more personality than those in Mass Effect (OK, maybe a bit too much, but significantly better than the wet blankets that were Kaiden and the Pink Ranger). I haven't got very far through it yet, but I like. It's linear but fun with a modest skill list that focuses way more on craft skills than anything else. Robin has said, "You know you're basically playing 4th Ed in a computer game" but I maintain that it's totally not - it's very different. Nothing to do with 4th Ed. Besides, I've always maintained that 4th Ed works way better as a computer game. Nice point-and-click interface. Simple character generation. So yes, it's a good game, and nothing to do with 4th Ed. Honest.

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