Just over a month in...

Nov 11, 2009 21:56

...and I've already managed to make someone at my job dislike me. I have a rule: I do not discuss politics with people. If they wish to discuss politics with me, I will sit there and listen and possibly make a comment or two, but for the most part I keep my thoughts to myself. Most of the times I have violated this rule, I have annoyed someone, damaged my friendship with them or just generally had a not nice conversation. I should probably know by now. However, people ranting about people on benefits really gets to me. The only person I won't disagree with on that count is my dad, and that's because he wouldn't listen anyway. So prominent film stars calling people on benefits "three and a half million layabouts" caused me to rant a little at the office. Which prompted a discussion of whether conscription/national service would help. I then tried to explain why I didn't agree and a slip of the tongue has now caused one staff member to think that I was insulting her godson (by insulting soldiers in the army). I tried to explain while simultaneously taking a call and waving her off, but now I suspect she thinks that I am a horrible person. Like I'd ever say that, especially on Remembrance Day.

I hate it when people attribute unreasonable views to me because they flat out refuse to let me explain what I actually meant. So either she's forgiven me or hates me. Either way, work just got harder. I guess I'll find out how much harder as I have training with her for two hours tomorrow morning.

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