Finally, an update

Sep 04, 2012 18:22

Hello, all. Hope you're all well and happy and thank you for the birthday wishes, everyone. Sorry for not being responsive for the last, OMG, year or so. It's been a very stressful time and my instinct is to retreat, bury into the sand. A rubbish excuse but the only one I have.

RIP, Michael Clarke Duncan. Gone too soon at the early age of 54.

Ramblings: I loved the Olympics and now the Paralympics. London has done a spectacular job of staging the 2012 events. I freely admit to being an Olymposceptic but everything has been first class.

Did anyone else see Seth MacFarlane at the Proms? I knew he could sing because, duh, I watch Family Guy but not that he could sing so well. And that he'd done the Proms in 2009 and a small tour of the UK with the John Wilson Orchestra. He appeared here on a very small Sunday morning talk show where he was taken to task for swearing. Lol! Family Guy is on BBC3 here, at a ridiculous hour of the night. Perhaps Seth likes the comparative anonymity that comes with visiting the UK. I saw him host the Charlie Sheen Roast and taking the jibes about his sexuality very gracefully. Is he gay? Don't care. He's a genius on the lines of Joss.

It's been a tricky year. Father-in-law died last November, Paul has had severe mobility problems which have become milder with time, and I've been diagnosed with asthma. Huh. I don't believe it. My problem is that I need to lose weight. I keep the inhaler close but only need it a couple of times a week, which can be explained by carrying around my chubbo bod. Oh, and I had a wart on my nose. That was attractive.

Dad dying was pretty bad. We're still trying to get on without him. My heart goes out to all of you dealing with potential, imminent, or recent bereavement. *hugs*


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