Yes, it's that time again. The
spn_j2_bigbang is back, bigger and better than ever!
As usual, I'll give a pass to the Wincest, *gag*, but here's the best and brightest of the RPS. I'm aware of the irony. Some people find RPS as unpleasant as I do Wincest. Ce la vie. ;o)
J2 recs 2010 )
Becoming has the slight edge for me, but they're both well worth reading and re-reading. They're now fixtures on the eReader, to be savoured again and again. Don't you just love Bigbang season? LOL
YES Absolutely!
If I could only pick one of those, I would go for Spotlight because I'm a huge fan of that kind of detective fiction. It made me haul out my Raymond Chandler books. :D And if Sam Winchester (or Jared Padelecki) ever dresses in a suit and fedora I know I'll be making embarrassing noises and flailing.
Oh, I know exactly what you mean. Raymond Chandler and Micky Spillane... *happy sigh*
A Really Good Detective Never Gets Married is one of my all-time faves and I make embarrassing flailing noises every. Single. Time. Just noticed she's written a sequel! SQUEEEE!
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